{Month 1} – Trinity Harlowe

The first month of Trinity’s little life was a tough one.  {I am behind posting this…Month 2 will follow.}  Not necessarily for her but for Eric and I.  We had so much adjusting to do but we made it through together with the lack of sleep we had.  🙂

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  • Trussha Owen

    I am so happy that you had a baby! God blessed you and Eric with this sweet baby girl. I have been looking back through these posts, and realized that I never commented on many of them when you first posted them. I know I saw them all, but I usually fret over what to write, and then end up not writing anything at all. I have been reflecting over Trinity’s last year. She will have her 1st birthday in a few short days. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. She has changed so much. She blossomed into such a sweet and beautiful baby girl. Our whole family loves her so very much!

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